Asosiy tarkibga o'tish

Typing effector

Best practices for writing well-typed code


By default, this method returns Event<void>.

const event = createEvent()
// event has type Event<void>

Event type can be defined as generic

const event = createEvent<number>()
// event has type Event<number>


Typescript can infer effect result type from given handler, but argument type should be defined either in handler argument or as generic type

const sendMessageFx = createEffect(async (params: {text: string}) => {
// ...
return 'ok'
// sendMessageFx has type Effect<{text: string}, string>

const sendWarningFx = createEffect<{warn: string}, string>(async ({warn}) => {
// ...
return 'ok'
// sendWarningFx has type Effect<{warn: string}, string>

createEffect and custom errors

When you need custom error types (Fail type in Effect) you can define all generics explicitly:

const sendWarningFx = createEffect<{warn: string}, string, AxiosError>(
async ({warn}) => {
// ...
return 'ok'
// sendWarningFx has type Effect<{warn: string}, string, AxiosError>

In case when effect's handler is defined before effect itself you can allow typescript to infer type of Params and Done by using typeof handler in first generic and optionally provide Fail type as second one

const sendMessage = async (params: {text: string}) => {
// ...
return 'ok'

const sendMessageFx = createEffect<typeof sendMessage, AxiosError>(sendMessage)
// sendMessageFx has type Effect<{text: string}, string, AxiosError>

effector 21.6.0


To add types to events, created by event.prepend you need to add type either to prepend function argument or as generic type

const message = createEvent<string>()

const userMessage = message.prepend(({text}: {text: string}) => text)
// userMessage has type Event<{text: string}>

const warningMessage = message.prepend<{warn: string}>(({warn}) => warn)
// warningMessage has type Event<{warn: string}>


To allow typescript to infer types of created effect, add type to mapParams first argument, which will become effect params type

const sendTextFx = createEffect<{text: string}, 'ok'>()

const sendWarningFx = attach({
effect: sendTextFx,
mapParams: ({warn}: {warn: string}) => ({text: warn}),
// sendWarningFx has type Effect<{warn: string}, 'ok'>


Typescript type predicates can be used to split common event type to several cases (hence the name)

type UserMessage = {kind: 'user'; text: string}
type WarnMessage = {kind: 'warn'; warn: string}

const message = createEvent<UserMessage | WarnMessage>()

const {userMessage, warnMessage} = split(message, {
userMessage: (msg): msg is UserMessage => msg.kind === 'user',
warnMessage: (msg): msg is WarnMessage => msg.kind === 'warn',
// userMessage has type Event<UserMessage>
// warnMessage has type Event<WarnMessage>


Typescript type predicates can be used to infer result type by filter function

type UserMessage = {kind: 'user'; text: string}
type WarnMessage = {kind: 'warn'; warn: string}

const message = createEvent<UserMessage | WarnMessage>()

const userMessage = guard(message, {
filter: (msg): msg is UserMessage => msg.kind === 'user',

// userMessage has type Event<UserMessage>


Since effector@22.2.0 update sample also supports a filter field, which can also be a Typescript type predicate.

type UserMessage = {kind: 'user'; text: string}
type WarnMessage = {kind: 'warn'; warn: string}

const message = createEvent<UserMessage | WarnMessage>()
const userMessage = createEvent<UserMessage>()

clock: message,
filter: (msg): msg is UserMessage => msg.kind === 'user',
target: userMessage

filter + fn

However, sample also has a fn field to apply custom transformations. There is a caveat with Typescript type inference mechanic, which requires user to explicitly type filter arguments for type inference to work

type UserMessage = {kind: 'user'; text: string}
type WarnMessage = {kind: 'warn'; warn: string}
type Message = UserMessage | WarnMessage

const message = createEvent<Message>()
const userText = createEvent<string>()

clock: message,
// need to explicitly type `msg` as `Message` there
filter: (msg: Message): msg is UserMessage => msg.kind === 'user',
// to get correct type inference here
fn: (msg) => msg.text,
target: userText,

// userMessage has type Event<string>

Otherwise, Typescript will fall back to any.

However, Typescript will not allow you to set incorrect filter type

const message = createEvent<Message>()
const userMessage = createEvent<UserMessage>()

clock: message,
// Type 'Message' is not assignable to type '{ kind: "user" | "wrong"; text: number; }'.
filter: (msg: {kind: 'user' | 'wrong'; text: number}): msg is UserMessage => msg.kind === 'user',
fn: (msg) => msg.text,
target: userMessage


To allow typescript to infer types of created events, add type to second argument of given reducers

const $count = createStore(0)

const {add, sub} = createApi($count, {
add: (x, add: number) => x + add,
sub: (x, sub: number) => x - sub,

// add has type Event<number>
// sub has type Event<number>


is methods can help to infer unit type (thereby is methods acts as TypeScript type guards) which can help to write strongly-typed helper functions

export function getUnitType(unit: unknown) {
if (is.event(unit)) {
// here unit has Event<any> type
return 'event'
if (is.effect(unit)) {
// here unit has Effect<any, any> type
return 'effect'
if ( {
// here unit has Store<any> type
return 'store'