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Countdown timer on setTimeout

Sometimes we need simple countdown. Next example allows us to handle each tick and abort the timer.

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  1. Execute tick every timeout milliseconds
  2. Each tick should send left seconds to listeners
  3. Countdown can be stopped (abort argument)
  4. Countdown can't be started if already started
function createCountdown(
{start, abort = createEvent(`${name}Reset`), timeout = 1000},
) {
// tick every 1 second
const $working = createStore(true, {name: `${name}Working`})
const tick = createEvent(`${name}Tick`)
const timerFx = createEffect(`${name}Timer`).use(() => wait(timeout))

$working.on(abort, () => false).on(start, () => true)

source: start,
filter: timerFx.pending.map(is => !is),
target: tick,

from: tick,
to: timerFx,

const willTick = guard({
source: timerFx.done.map(({params}) => params - 1),
filter: seconds => seconds >= 0,

source: willTick,
filter: $working,
target: tick,

return {tick}

function wait(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)


const startCountdown = createEvent()
const abortCountdown = createEvent()

const countdown = createCountdown('simple', {
start: startCountdown,
abort: abortCountdown,

// handle each tick
countdown.tick.watch(remainSeconds => {
console.info('Tick. Remain seconds: ', remainSeconds)

// let's start
startCountdown(15) // 15 ticks to count down, 1 tick per second

// abort after 5 second
setTimeout(abortCountdown, 5000)