


effector 20.13.0

Wrapper for effect, which allows to map effect arguments and use data from stores.

Use cases: declarative way to pass values from stores to effects and argument preprocessing.

Since effector 22.4.0, it is available to check whether effect is created via attach method — is.attached.


attach({ effect, mapParams?, source?, name? }): newEffect

When newEffect is called, call mapParams with params of the newEffect and data from source, then call original effect

  • If attach called without source, mapParams will be called only with params of the newEffect
  • attach always returns new effect
  • If original effect belongs to some domain then newEffect will belong to it as well

Short example

import {createEffect, attach} from 'effector'

const originalFx = createEffect(params => {
console.log('Original effect called with', params)

const createdFx = attach({
effect: originalFx,
mapParams: params => {
console.log('Created effect called with', params)
return {wrapped: params}

await createdFx('HELLO')

// => Created effect called with "HELLO"
// => Original effect called with { wrapped: "HELLO" }

Try it

Short example with source

import {createEffect, attach} from 'effector'

const originalFx = createEffect(params => {
console.log('Original effect called with', params)

const $store = createStore(8900)

const createdFx = attach({
effect: originalFx,
source: $store,
mapParams: (params, data) => {
console.log('Created effect called with', params, 'and data', data)
return {wrapped: params, data}

await createdFx('HELLO')

// => Created effect called with "HELLO" and data 8900
// => Original effect called with {wrapped: "HELLO", data: 8900}

Try it

Long example

import {createEffect, attach, createStore} from 'effector'

const backendRequestFx = createEffect(async ({token, data, resource}) => {
return fetch(`https://example.com/api${resource}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
body: JSON.stringify(data),

const $requestsSent = createStore(0)
.on(backendRequestFx, total => total + 1)

$requestsSent.watch(total => {
console.log(`client analytics: sent ${total} requests`)

const $token = createStore('guest_token')

const authorizedRequestFx = attach({
effect: backendRequestFx,
source: $token,
mapParams: ({data, resource}, token) => ({data, resource, token}),

const createRequestFx = resource =>
effect: authorizedRequestFx,
mapParams: data => ({data, resource}),

const getUserFx = createRequestFx('/user')
const getPostsFx = createRequestFx('/posts')

const user = await getUserFx({name: 'alice'})
POST https://example.com/api/user
{"name": "alice"}
Authorization: Bearer guest_token

// => client analytics: sent 1 requests

const posts = await getPostsFx({user: user.id})
POST https://example.com/api/posts
{"user": 18329}
Authorization: Bearer guest_token

// => client analytics: sent 2 requests

attach({effect, source})

Create effect which will trigger given one with values from source stores


  • effect (Effect): Wrapped effect
  • source (Store | {[key: string]: Store}): Store or object with stores, values of which will be passed to the second argument of mapParams


Effect: New effect

attach with plain function


effector 22.0.0

Create effect which will call async function with values from source stores

let resultFx: Effect<Params, Result>
resultFx = attach({
source: Store<Source>,
domain?: Domain,
async effect(source: Source, params: Params): Result


  • effect (Function): (source: Source, params: Params) => Promise<Result> | Result
  • domain (Domain): An optional Domain that the effect will be a part of
  • source (Store | {[key: string]: Store}): Store or object with stores, values of which will be passed to the first argument of effect


Effect: New effect

attach({effect, mapParams})

Create effect which will trigger given one by transforming params by mapParams function


  • effect (Effect): Wrapped effect
  • mapParams ((newParams) => effectParams): Function which receives new params and maps them to the params of the wrapped effect. Works like event.prepend. Errors happened in mapParams function will force attached effect to fail


Effect: New effect

attach({effect, mapParams, source})

Create effect which will read values from source stores, pass them with params to mapParams function and call effect with result


  • effect (Effect): Wrapped effect
  • mapParams ((newParams, values) => effectParams): Function which receives new params and current value of source and combines them to the params of the wrapped effect. Errors happened in mapParams function will force attached effect to fail
  • source (Store | {[key: string]: Store}): Store or object with stores, values of which will be passed to the second argument of mapParams


Effect: New effect


If mapParams throw an error, it will trigger fail event and nested effect will not be called at all


Create effect which will call effect with params as it is. That allow to create separate effects with shared behavior.


  • effect (Effect): Wrapped effect


Effect: New effect


effector 21.5.0