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Meet the Effector Team

The Effector team members work full time on the projects which use Effector to solve business tasks. Each member uses the library every day as a user and tries to improve the user experience as a core team member.

Dmitry Boldyrev


Dmitry made the first version of effector in 2018 to solve reactive event-driver architecture in the messenger. Now his main focus is to improve UX in the effector itself and speed up the kernel.

Sergey Sova


Since 2018 Sergey has made some ecosystem packages: patronum, logger, inspector. His main task is to improve the UX through the ecosystem and documentation.

Alexandr Horoshih


Alexander contributed to each package of effector core and org repository. He reviewed contributions and improved the DX of the core functionality.

Kirill Mironov


Kirill made the swc-plugin, the bindings for SolidJS, and now improves ecosystem and core functionality.

Igor Kamyşev


Igor is working on Farfetched is the advanced data fetching tool. Igor made eslint-plugin-effector and reviewed many of PRs and issues of the effector and ecosystem packages.

Yan Lobaty


Yan made many contributions with fixes and improvements to all effector repositories. Yan helps us to write explanations and reference documentation. You may hear about the workshop Yan made about effector.

Egor Guscha


Since 2019 working in the effector core team on documentation, learning materials, and ecosystem improving.


Ilya Lesik


Ilya made the list of awesome packages of effector ecosystem.

Evgeniy Fedotov


Evgeniy made effector-reflect and helps us write documentation.

Valeriy Kobzar


Valeriy developed server-side code for REPL and wrote many documentation pages.

Anton Kosykh


One of the earliest users of Effector, working on Atomic Router and ecosystem packages like effector-history, effector-pagination and effector-factorio

Andrei Tshurotshkin


Andrei was at the origin of the effector. He wrote all the first documentation, implemented the first REPL version, and featured many core methods.

Roman Titov


Roman promotes effector among the front-end community and works on documentation.

This list is not exhaustive.


Please, open README.md to see the full list of our contributors. We have the github action to regenerate this list. Also, you can open the Insights page on the main repository.

We’d like to give thanks to all contributors for effector and the ecosystem.

Thank you for your support and love over all this time ❤️